Power Supply Modules

System power for the EvacU Elite is provided by the Primary and Secondary Power Supply Modules (PSU) each rated at 1200W.
The Power Supply Modules plug into one of three PSU distribution board slots which progressively build up the PSU architecture in increments of 6.5Amps @ 230 V AC.
- Certified to AS 7240.4 to comply with AS 4428.16 EWCIE and AS 4428.4 EICIE system requirements.
Current Consumption | mA (Quiescent) @ 24 Vdc |
6350-PSU1X | 64 mA |
6350-PSU2X | 118 mA |
6350-PSU3X | 172 mA |
6350-PSU1X | Primary PSU Module 1200W 6.5A @ 230V AC |
6350-PSU2X | Primary & Secondary PSU Modules 2400W 13A @ 230V AC |
6350-PSU3X | Primary & 2 Secondary Modules 3600W 19.5A @ 230V AC |