Fourth Power Development
Ampac provides the fire detection system and training for the Fourth Power Development.

Ampac was tasked with providing the Fire Detection Solution for Fourth Power Development by Semco Maritime of Denmark.
Ampac's FireFinder SP16 was used with cable entry from the base of the panel using Klippon Terminals. The FireFinder SP16 internal layout was designed in conjunction with Semco Maritime to assist with the installation and wiring of all damper controls and terminations within the FIP due to site constraints.
Ampac provided a complete project solution, training, and support from the ground up for the installer Semco Maritime Denmark, a first-time user of the Ampac FireFinder range of detection systems. Detection types included Flame Detection, Thermal Detection, Smoke Detection, Intrinsically Safe Detection.
The powerful programming capability and flexibility of the FireFinder and it’s modules ensured that the exact system design specifications and requirements were met.
Intensive product training and programming were provided within the purpose-built Ampac head office in Perth Western Australia. This allowed for the seamless integration of the FireFinder and Ampac Fire Detection Equipment during the project installation. To complement the training a 100% factory acceptance test was completed alongside Semco Maritime. Ampac staff continued the support of the project through the installation phase.