Crowne Plaza Adelaide
Ampac protects 329 room Crown Plaza Adelaide hotel.

Located in Hindmarsh Square, is the Crowne Plaza Adelaide. Within the CBD, this stunning location boasts views of the surrounding city and picturesque hills. The destination consists of an apartment tower featuring 89 luxurious residential apartments. In addition to the residential apartments is the 308 room Crowne Plaza Hotel awarded Australia’s Top Tourism Development in the 2012 Property Council of Australia Innovation and Excellence Awards.
Ampac's FireFinder Fire Alarm Control Panel system consisted of...
- 10 Addressable Detection Loops
- 705 Smoke Detectors
- 41 Manual Call Points
A SmartTerminal was also fitted so that the hotel staff could identify and investigate fire alarms prior to notifying the Fire Brigade.
The EV3000 system consisted of 31 evacuation zones with 42 warden intercom points.
The challenges presented by the project were that the system had to be extremely reliable, aesthetically pleasing, and able to reduce “unwanted alarms” generated from hotel guests including cooking, smoking, and bathroom steam.
In the event of an alarm in a hotel room, the fire system provides:
- An alarm signal, local to the room effected, to allow smoke to be cleared by the hotel guest.
- Alarm signal to hotel staff via the SmartTerminal.
- If the smoke is cleared within the timeout period the detector will be reset, and no further action is required.
- If there is still smoke in the room after the timeout period has expired, a complete building alarm is generated and the brigade is notified.