Supporting the Australian Nurses War Memorial Chapel
Ampac was delighted to assist with the supply of a ZoneSense Plus Fire Control Panel for the Australian Nurses War Memorial Chapel.
The Australian Nurses War Memorial Chapel is managed by the Prince Henry Hospital Trained Nurses Association (PHHTNA) and overlooks the stunning cliffs of Little Bay in NSW. The chapel first opened in 1967 and is a memorial to the women who paid the supreme sacrifice whilst serving during the wars.
Carol Parker, Hon Secretary of the PHHTNA wrote; on behalf of the PHHTNA who operate both the Medical Museum and the Non-Denominational Nurses War Memorial Chaple at Little Bay I wish to extend our sincere thanks for the donation and installation of a new Fire Panel in the chapel. We are a non for profit organisation which receives no external or Government support and your donation has ensured the ongoing safety of prompt fire alert for the Chapel, enabling the Association to continue our community involvement as a heritage icon with the Little Bay and surrounding areas."
For more information on the Australian Nurses War Memorial Chapel click here.