Curtin University
Ampac protects 116 hectares Curtin University

Curtin University is a public research university based in Bentley, Perth, Western Australia. Established in 1966, the campus spans 116 hectares and features bold architecture nestled amongst beautiful landscaping. Over the past decade, the campus has continued to grow with a variety of new buildings constructed.
Ampac has continued to provide the Fire Alarm and Emergency Warning protection throughout each and every one of their buildings. Curtin Security and Maintenance continues to monitor the Bentley, Kalgoorlie, and Midland campuses across the state via the SmartGraphics system,
The system is comprised of 94 x Fire Alarm Control Panels and 3 x SmartGraphics PC's.
Each individual Fire Alarm Control Panel is reporting to the graphics over TCP/IP. The graphics have been designed such that they only display Zone information (not down to smoke detection detail). This assists in the programming, as detectors can be added and removed so long as no new zones are added, there is no impact on the graphics. It has also been configured such that an Isolation switch on the fire alarm control panel will show the building under test on the graphics.